How To Wear Everything


We spent a lot of time putting our collection together for you. We know it’s difficult to find exactly the right clothes to wear and then it’s even more difficult to get an individual “look” that reflects your personality and attitude. With our collection, you can choose anything you like and it will almost certainly match with our other items. That means you can get a whole new look just here at Yayukata.

Streetwear is about being an individual. It’s about bucking the trend and keeping it fresh and crisp when everyone else has gone beige and started wearing corduroys. You’re too much yourself to obey, so you show it with your epic urban style. We dig it, we’re just the same.

When you’re making your choices on our site, we recommend you look for an entire outfit unless you know exactly what you want. For example, you could try a crop top or one of our hoodies with some epic pants, and a hat. When you see them together, it is much easier to tell if they are going to go together or not.

Now, you might need a bit of imagination. There’s no problem with standing in front of the mirror and imagining how your fresh new Yayukata threads are going to look. Imagine putting on the clothes one by one, then give it a twirl. Do the colours clash? Are there lines going different directions? Has it got a consistent style that you will feel confident with?

Of course, before you actually get the clothes, it’s hard to tell exactly. Another tip is to lay out the clothes you already wear on the bed and take away one item, replacing it with that awesome jacket or whatever you saw on our site. Will it work?

We deliberately curate our selection so you can buy basically anything and it will match with anything else. That’s the benefit of Yayukata, we have agonized for hours over our choices so you don’t have to. So feel free to explore. If you need some help, email us and we’ll do our best to find the freshest item for your new style.

Our last bit of advice: pick the one your gut tells you to buy, not your head. You know the one that stands out immediately, it’s probably the one you’ll enjoy the most. Forget price and all that, go with your instinct. This is streetwear, it’s instinctual.

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