How to Stay Fresh and Relevant with your Streetwear
Keeping things crispy takes effort. We know that if you’re reading this, you’re not someone who cares to dress like everyone else, you want to do things your own way. So do we, that’s why Yayukata exists. You’ve come to us to find the freshest streetwear and you will not be disappointed.
But how do you keep it fresh on a day to day basis?
The first thing to do is pay attention. You won’t see much (legit) streetwear on TV or even on the street in many places. So you have to keep your eyes open and sharp. YouTube is one of the best places to find the latest designs and threads from “influencers” and brands, but it can be tough trying to filter out the bullsh*t. What is an advert and what is a genuine opinion?
True street style comes from the streets. It comes from looking at what other people are wearing and asking yourself, “what could I do with that?”. Someone struts past in a crisp pair of pants and an unusual shirt, you have to say to yourself “would that look fresh if I wore it with X?”.
Learning how to keep it fresh takes practice and some effort. Once you’ve spied something fresh, it’s up to you to turn it into something you can incorporate into your own look. That means scouring the web for that specific thing or looking for something similar.
Happily, you have Yayukata on your side. We have to keep it fresh and relevant, that’s our job. It’s more than a job though, it’s more like a way of life. And that’s the attitude you have to have to keep it truly fresh and crispy in your street style. When you come to our store, you are in the perfect place to discover and evolve your own style while keeping it easy.
The basic rule for keeping thing fresh and relevant is to keep changing. Mix up your look, try out all the different combinations you can, and always be looking for that new thing, whatever it is.
Keep it fresh, folks.
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